The Amplify Pride Fund is a national LGBTIQ+ fund created by Aurora and GiveOUT with support from the Snow Foundation and a strong core of community donors.

Running annually from August, the Amplify Pride Fund (APF) provides change-making LGBTIQ+ community organisations across Australia with larger, more sustainable funding, helping them to thrive and grow. The APF prioritises projects addressing economic disadvantage in LGBTIQ+ communities, challenging discrimination and violence, promoting human rights and social justice, or building the capacity of the LGBTIQ+ community sector.

In April 2024 Amplify Pride Fund was awarded Philanthropy Australia’s Community Philanthropy Award for the innovative work it is doing to support and strengthen the LGBTIQ+ community!

This would not have been possible without all the support Aurora and GiveOUT have received to make APF possible and all our incredible grantee partners who we have been able to support and who have highlighted just how important programs like APF are to our community.

Guided by Aurora and GiveOUTs research report Where are the Rainbow Resources?, the Amplify Pride Fund focuses on:

  • Marginalised LGBTIQ+ communities

  • Building the capacity of LGBTIQ+ community organisations

  • Providing larger, flexible and more sustainable funding than ever before

  • A simple application process!

  • Opportunities for non-financial support in-house and through our networks

Amplify Pride Funds can be used for:

  • Operational and core activities including organisational capacity building

  • Program delivery, with a focus on innovative solutions, prevention and early intervention

  • Sector capacity building and collaboration

  • Advocacy

Why the Amplify Pride Fund?

If we’re serious about achieving true change for LGBTIQ+ communities, we must think and act bigger than ever before.

To tackle the challenges and barriers still facing vulnerable members of the LGBTIQ+ community in Australia; poorer mental health, isolation, homelessness, and social and economic marginalisation, we need to adequately resource and increase the capacity of our LGBTIQ+ organisations best placed to do so.

When our community thinks big and takes action, we achieve incredible progress on the issues that matter, like marriage equality and the world’s leading response to HIV/AIDS.

We know LGBTIQ+ communities are underfunded in Australia. LGBTIQ+ organisations receive just 5 cents out of every $100 donated to Australian charities.

Through the Amplify Pride Fund we can come together to provide more substantial funding, so that LGBTIQ+ community organisations can focus on addressing the root causes of the challenges our communities face, and opportunities for change.

Your donation will help to support the people who experience a disproportionate amount of discrimination in our community, because together we have the impact to save lives.

With your support, the AFP can be the most effective mechanism through which individual donors and major philanthropic foundations can scale up their investment to achieve positive impact in LGBTIQ+ communities.

Donate to become a supporter, or to further discuss the Amplify Pride Fund please contact Em Scott (CEO, GiveOUT) and Jones (Program Manager, Aurora) at

Thank you to the generous supporters of FY24

Cornerstone Supporter
The Snow Foundation

Principal Supporter
Paul Ramsay Foundation

Principal Donors
Brennan Lynch Foundation, Heath Family Fund

Pride Amplifiers
Dan Hillier, Jayden Hurvitz, Peter Wilson

Pride Supporters
Jason Bowran

With thanks to
Alex Greenwich, Cheryl Kavanagh, Claudio Raggio, Denise Lucero, Graeme Gherashe, Hanniel Mbatia, James Sharp, Jonathan Hiley, Jonathan Walmsley, Kuan Chia, Mitchell Lip, Romany Brooks